Get Involved

 Scroll down for more details. 

Check out the calendar for current dates and information!

 Sunday Mass and Fellowship

Join other UMass Boston students for Sunday Mass, followed by a free meal and fellowship. 

Reach out to Br. Vladimir about serving as a greeter, lector, or altar server, or about joining the choir. 

Weekday Mass

Join other UMass Boston students for Mass during the week. Weekday Mass is followed by a free meal, fellowship, and other activities. 

The Case for Jesus: The Historical and Biblical Evidence for Christ

Can we trust the Gospels? Do we really know who wrote them? Do the Gospels communicate truth – or fabricated fables? Who is Jesus? Who did Jesus claim to be? Join us for Dr. Brant Pitre's "Case for Jesus" video series as he draws evidence from both early Christian and non-Christian writings attesting to the authenticity, authorship, and dating of the Gospels, and as he gives an in-depth look at the Gospel accounts of Jesus’s Crucifixion, Resurrection, and the proclamation of Christ’s divinity.

Watch trailer here:

Bible Study

Join Fr. Don for Bible study! 


Join Fr. Don and the campus ministry team as we support our Beacons! Follow us on Instagram or check out the calendar to keep up to date with the games we attend.

Student athletes are encouraged to reach out to Fr. Don. 


A retreat for students is held each Spring. 

Becoming Catholic and Receiving Sacraments

Are you interested in becoming Catholic? Or perhaps you were baptized Catholic and are desiring to receive your other sacraments of First Communion and/or Confirmation? 

Reach out to us!